$elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz
High energy hip hop with old school vibes and banging beats
low key and lo-fi contemporary rnb, featuring global collabs
Stefin’s original moniker, now used mainly for music for film and TV
$elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz / $elfemploy / Selfemploy / $elfimploy / nrthsound / Stefin / Fibz
$elfimploy is a hip hop project between producer and singer Stefin (AKA nrthsound), his long time homie and collaborator, freestyle and battlerap veteran Fibz, and rapper and hype man extraordinaire J Kim.
Stefin also makes solo music, including custom music for TV and film under the moniker nrthsound. For inquiries on music for TV or film, including existing or custom music, go to the FILM / TV page of this website.

He’s been creating his own unique music for over a decade, never giving a f@#! about what other people want him to sound like. He never took music for granted, never sold out, never went big, but most importantly, he never gave up. Originally from a small farm town full of hippies and bikers in rural Western Canada, he bought a guitar when he was 17 and learned by playing blues and rock music in small town dive bars. Eventually he bought a laptop and taught himself to produce basic beats.
He channeled his gritty, rural upbringing into music, sometimes political, sometimes happy, sometimes angry. For a couple years he worked in the north of BC as a pipefitter, and in that rough frozen world, isolated from distraction, he started his project nrthsound. Now he draws on his wide experiences in life to give his music perspective, based on a keeping a humble and thoughtful approach to art
He and his wife also run Full Circle Furniture, where they fix and sell vintage furniture in Richmond, BC.
Tommy B has always had passion for all music. He started his rap career at 16, freestyling and battling in Calgary, Alberta, and eventually running his own hip hop night in the 403. After dealing with some life shattering experiences, Fibz left town and moved out west to Vancouver.
In Vancity he continued to pursue music, living with two audio engineer rappers. They created Blankspace and made noise around Vancouver, releases an LP, rocking shows, contests and battles. After Blankspace eventually seperated, Fibz kept his skills sharp with battlerap, including features in the King of the Dot and Smoked Out battle leagues.
Freestyling is his true joy, and it was freestyling that connected him with Stefin. While both working for a painting company, they freestyled and beatboxed into the sky on hot summer days, raining music down from the rooftops of buildings that they painted. Now, whether its at a party or for your grandma on a train, Fibz can kick an unstoppable cypher. His new found motivation is the memory of his brother Matty B, who unfortunately passed in Spring 2024.

J Kim

Shrouded in mystery, fellow Calgarian J Kim has been a long time accomplice of Fibz in mayhem and mischief. After relocating to Vancouver, he joined the $elfimploy crew in 2023 with a desire to rock live shows and spit some hot verses. The resulting trio of voices was too hype to quit and he soon joined on as a permanent member.
You can find J Kim roaming the city in his slick white low rider pick up truck.
J Kim was also a life long friend of Matty B, and his carries the memory on his music.
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$elfimploy / $elfemploy / Selfemploy hip hop & Stefin / Stefen lo-fi pop soul & Fibz battle rap and freestyle